September Blog
1. Programming has gone well. I have had problems doing the 5 projects. It hasn't worked lately.
2. I have only done things with CSS and HTML before. That is it.
3. The class could be better if the programs were explained better. It was confusing reading from a book and I was very lost.
4. One of the best things that has happened to me was when UCLA beat USC in the big football game last year. It was amazing that the bruins were able to find the Victory bell for the first time in 7 years.
1. I have enjoyed learning how to use Dreamweaver.
2. My least favorite thing that I have learned is trying to progran things. It is annoying when I keep trying.
3. The thing I like that in this class that I can use the computer alot.
4. I would reduce the amount of programming. I have had problems programming in general.
5. The interesting thing that has happened at SLHS is that I know a friend who knows my AP Econ/Government teacher.
6. During my summer break, I enjoyed doing alot of bowling. I also watched alot of summer baseball. It was way too short.